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The relationship between architecture and well-being is deep and multifaceted. For some time now, the design of spaces has played a crucial role in people’'s physical, mental, and emotional health. Certain architectural and design aspects can significantly enhance occupants’ health, comfort, and contentment In both corporate and home environments,.environments.

Several studies demonstrate that the design of our built environment affects our health and can have long-term implications for quality of life. In the New York Times best-selling book, “Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness,” Nobel Prize winner in Economics Richard H. Thaler and Holberg Prize winner Cass R. Sunstein go further to show that no choice is ever neutrally presented to us and that we are all susceptible to biases that can lead us to make wrong decisions. According to the authors, architecture can play an evident role in this context: “Design-led interventions can facilitate better choices or restrict behaviors, making certain actions more difficult.”

Following this line of thought, Sergio Altomonte, architect and associate professor for Nottingham’s Department of Architecture and Built Environment, argues that buildings and urban spaces should be designed with their users in mind first. This approach places human needs at the center of the design process, recognizing that the characteristics of the spaces we create have the power to profoundly influence people's behavior and well-being.

Importance of Integrating Crucial Features

One key element is integrating features that promote occupants’ physical and emotional comfort. This includes consideration of natural light, adequate ventilation, and materials that promote a sense of safety and connection to nature. Well-lit environments, for example, are linked to improved mood and productivity, while green spaces and views of the outdoors can reduce stress and promote calm.

Furthermore, architecture also plays a vital role in promoting positive social interactions and a sense of community. Spaces facilitating meetings and collaboration can strengthen social bonds and increase a sense of belonging. Likewise, spaces for rest can provide opportunities to recharge and relieve everyday stress.

Environmental psychologist and interior designer Migette Kaup highlights that the characteristics of designed spaces can induce certain types of behavior in people. Architecture is the physical environment, but key factors architects need to consider include safety, social connection, ease of movement, and sensory stimulation.

It The speech becomes evident when we observe the effects of colors: the warmer the color, the more compact the space. They can also evoke feelings of comfort or encourage communication. By considering the psychological impact of design, architects and designers can create environments that promote occupants’ mental and emotional health.

QriarCity Stimulating Creativity with Architectural Innovation

Care and attention in choosing design and materials can include creating spaces that inspire creativity, promote concentration, or encourage physical activity. This mentality drives QriarCity's projects, presented in the 2Future portfolio, which seeks something different by combining unique architecture that connects with the culture of the region where it is located with solutions to promote a higher quality of life for its users, whether through plant floor layout, materials used, or construction design.

For QriarCity, developing projects to achieve a high level of quality in preserving local culture and the well-being of the occupants who will live or use those spaces is crucial. This holistic approach recognizes the interconnection between the built environment and human well-being.

By prioritizing users’ needs and experiences, architects and designers can create spaces to meet functional uses and enrich people's lives by promoting balance, health, and happiness.


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